angola visa free countries

angola visa free countries

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Allotting a visa to the wishing visitor is the mandatory activity to maintain security concerns of the country and boosting the country's economy. So, in this case, it is a bit strange to listen that Angola grants free visa entry to several nationalities.  

Angola e-visa free-entry is part of the Angola e-visa policy of the Angolan government. In which nationalities of several selected nations are not liable to go through with the Angola E-visa application procedure

Under these policy citizens of listed nations are permitted to hold a take-off on the Angolan land at least for a month, with a valid 6 months passport and without any fear of peril.


Angola E-visa free Enlisted countries 

Like, we discussed above, countries comprised in this Angola e-visa  free policy list are not in need to apply for the Angola E-visa. Citizens from these countries either celebrity or normal human beings, anyone can take a visa-free entry in Angola. Their legal document Passport book is enough for their security and identity proof.  

These are some selected countries by the Angola visa authority:

Botswana Cape Verde
Mauritius Mozambique
Namibia Rwanda
Seychelles Singapore
South Africa Zambia


Natives from this motherland can step in into the country as a verified Angola visitor and can involve in tourism as well as any commercial activity.

Angola E-Visa-free policy is not ended here, there is yet a country left, who equally can visit Angola without visa application form or Angola E-visa. 

But there is a condition that implies on the visitors of this nation. They were applicable to take an Angola E-visa free entry only, if they are Diplomatic Passport holder, thereafter, in this case, the citizen can visit Angola without e-visa.   

Diplomatic Passport Holder visitor must be from:


Algeria Argentina
Brazil Cape Verde
Cuba Egypt
France Guinea-Bissau
Indonesia Italy
Mozambique Portugal Russia
South Africa South Korea
Sao Tome and Principle Spain
Switzerland Venezuela
Vietnam Zambia


You can even check your visa requirement, by visiting 

  • Visit tourist visa online

  • Filled the citizenship country, living country and visa for the country in the asked dialog boxes.

  • Just after you clicked you will get in touch with the answer as “Required” or “Not required”. 
