angola visa checklist

Angola Visa Checklist

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If you are packing up your things for your Angola trip, then here are a few things you should add to your checklist to tick.

Here's everything that you should keep in mind while applying for your Angola visa

Angola Visa

You need to acquire an authorized Angola visa to get into Angola unless you belong to the list of visa-free countries.

This visa will authorize your entry and stay in Angola while providing the government with your correct identity as well.

Depending upon nationals and purposes your visa will vary.

Here's the checklist you need to go through while applying for the visa.


Visa Checklist

  • Visa Application Form
  • Valid passport
  • Coloured passport photographs
  • Proof of stay
  • Invitation letter by the company(in business visa case)
  • Yellow fever vaccination certificate
  • Bank statement

Types of Angola visa

Tourist visa: Angola tourist visa allows foreigners in Angola for touristic purposes. This visa allows you a 30 day stay in Angola for your touristic purpose.

Business visa: A business visa allows you to carry your business or work activities in Angola.

This visa will require an Invitation letter from the host company to confirm the visa of the employee.

READ ALSO: 30 days Angola Tourist Visa

How do I apply for an Angola visa?

You can easily apply for an Angola e-visa which is completely processed online.

This visa will be linked with your passport and you wouldn't even need to stand in long lines in front of the Angola embassy.

All you need to do is get your Angola visa application and fill it with correct personal information. Then you will be asked to submit official documents that will help in your verification. Keep the scanned digital copy ready with you. At last, you will be required to pay the visa fee online. Once you get your payment confirmation, you can easily track your application status and wait for 10 days for your e-visa to arrive through your email.


  • To book your hotel reservation and flight tickets earlier as you would need to submit them in your application.
  • Give a valid email address
  • Use active credit/debit cards to make payment

Which countries are eligible for Angola e-visa?

Here's the list of countries that are eligible for Angola Visa

  • Algeria
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Botswana
  • Brazil
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • Cape Verde
  • Chile
  • China
  • Croatia
  • Cuba
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Latvia
  • Lesotho
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Malta
  • Mauritius
  • Monaco
  • Morocco
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Republic of Cyprus
  • Romania
  • Russian Federation
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Seychelles
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia

If you don't find your country on this list, then you will have to apply for an Angola visa through the embassy.

READ ALSO: How long does it take to get a visa for Angola

Visa requirements while applying through the embassy.

If you are applying for your visa through the embassy, then here are the required documents you are asked for:

  1. Passport: 6 months of validity with 3 blank pages. You are also required to submit all your old passports as well.
  2. Visa Application: Correctly filled and signed
  3. Proof of stay: Provide hotel reservations or if you are staying with family or friends then an invitation letter.
  4. Business cover letter: Explaining the purpose of your work in Angola
  5. Invitation letter by company: An invitation letter by the host company is needed for approval of the visa of the employee.
  6. Tax document: Provide a copy of the tax document paid by the host Angolan Company
  7. Bank statement: Updated bank statement of last 6 months to ensure whether you have enough funds.
  8. Yellow fever certificate: Travellers need to be vaccinated against Yellow fever before entering Angola
  9. Police Clearance: Police clearance certificate issued by the local police
  10. Flight tickets: Confirmed onward and return flight tickets will ensure the government of your departure.

Visa On Arrival

Certain countries are eligible for getting their visa after they arrive in Angola.

This visa is issued at Angola's entry points and allows for a single entry.

Angola Visa on arrival is valid for 30 days and requires you to wait in line after arriving to receive your approved visa.

This visa may also be denied if the authorities deem it appropriate.

Entry ports of Angola

  • Quatro de Fevereiro Airport (Luanda)
  • Lubango Airport
  • Masabi (Republic of the Congo border)
  • Luau
  • Curacao (Namibia border)
  • Calai (Namibia border)
  • Katwitwi (Namibia border)

Apply Angola Visa


Frequently Asked Questions

tvo airplan

Even though Portuguese is the common local language in Angola, English is widely spoken and understood in Angola.

A person must be of legal age (18), have lived in Angola for at least ten years collectively, have a stable source of support or livelihood, will be capable of assimilating into Angolan society.

If you are applying for an Angola Business visa, then the invitation letter by the host Angolan company will act as proof of your purpose.

Some best places to visit in Angola are:

  • Luanda
  • Lubango
  • Benguela Beach
  • Parque Nacional do Quicama
