sri lanka open for fully vaccinated indians

Sri Lanka Open for Fully Vaccinated Indians

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Fully vaccinated people from India can now travel to Sri Lanka. According to the reports, anyone traveling from India who has completed both the doses of Covaxin and Covishield, vaccines is allowed to enter this Island Nation. Following are the rules and regulations for passengers traveling into Sri Lanka.

About the country

Sir Lanka is a country in the southern part of Asia. With a population of 3 crore people. The official languages of Sri Lankan people are Tamil and Sinhalese. The climate of the country of Sri Lanka is quite humid and temperate. People in Sri Lanka follow Buddhism, Islam, Tamil, and Sinhala religion. The idea of Buddhism followed to Sri Lanka from India.

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Effects of covid-19

Coronavirus had affected every one of us in the past two years we have been staying in the home and are unable to work and live the life we were living but now the people who are can do whatever they want.  the people who are vaccinated from India now can travel to Sri Lanka

Rules and regulations to travel to Sri Lanka

  • Due to the current covid-19 situation in Sri Lanka and globally, you will need to follow all the rules and regulations that are imposed for individuals arriving in Sri Lanka.
  • Citizens of Sri Lanka and dual citizens will not need to get any kind of approval from the Ministry of foreign and Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka to arrive in Sri Lanka. They will need to contact the airline and arrive in Sri Lanka.
  • They can demand a stay in any quarantine hotel or government hospital for some days.
  • Individuals who are arriving in Sri Lanka by towels will be provided with an electronic travel authorization using protocols are provided on the official website of Sri Lanka tourism.
  • Individuals of other countries holding a residence visa of some country and not their own which means they are dual citizen they will not have to apply for the procedure, However, they have to follow all the operational guidelines of Sri Lanka tourism along with provisions of this letter and other Health Minister protocols related to covid-19 preventive.
  • People who are coming from outside of Sri Lanka need approval from the Ministry of Sri Lankan office even if they are coming for a business purpose they will have to post an application to the ministry for that.
  • People who live in a country where travel is respected need to follow the same guidelines provided above.
  • Approval criteria for foreign nationals staff members of diplomatic relations or United Nations organizations along with specialized agencies and international organizations with permanent offices in Sri Lanka who have a diplomatic passport to the current time at residence will have the following rules to follow in Sri Lanka.
  • Foreign national staff members through spouse parents and children are allowed to go throughout Quarantine at a hotel or a safe certified area at the medical officer of health approved residence

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  • If foreign national staff members of diplomatic missions or foreign national staff of organizations and Agencies are going through mandatory Quarantine at a residence and they have permanent offices in Sri Lanka then they will need to take prior approval in writing from the medical officer of health providing knowledge about the residence and if it is suitable for mandatory Quarantine or not.
  • Details of foreign national staff members and their accompanied spouse parents and children undergoing necessary current time at approved residence will need to be informed to area ministry office health on the day of arrival. They will be Quarantine under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.
  • All the individuals of two years and above who are interested in Lanka will need to carry a negative covid-19 PCR test report in the English language which was taken 72 hours before the departure
  • Pre-departure covid-19 Rapid antigen test report is not acceptable.
  • Individuals who have received the recommended doses of the covid-19 vaccine will need to carry the original vaccination certificate along with a certified copy of the certificate in the English language if it’s not in English it should be translated into English first.
  • There are feature cases reported in fully vaccinated in other countries so it is very necessary to minimize covid-19 and any variant entry in the country. Therefore fully vaccinate rules will also need to follow all the preventive measures and are bide by the rules and regulations imposed by the government of Sri Lanka related to the covid-19 pandemic.

If you keep in mind all these things then you will be able to visit Sri Lanka easily.

Apply Sri Lanka Visa


Frequently Asked Questions

tvo airplan

A coronavirus is called, covd-19 because CO means corona, VI means virus, D means disease  and 19 means 2019

The idea of Buddhism in Sri Lanka came from India.

The two doses of corona Vaccine are Covisheid and covaxin
