all about retirement visa zambia


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People after their retirement often travel to foreign countries for long vacations. Zambia is a southern African country that is famous for its wildlife and safari parks. Tourists often visit Zambia to spend their vacations. Retirees who are looking for moving or spending their vacations overseas after retirement can move to Zambia. The foreign nationals intended to move to Zambia after retirement should apply for a Retirement visa Zambia. The retirement visa is the visa for foreign nationals who are planning to live or stay in Zambia for some period after retirement. 


Eligibility for Retirement visa Zambia

The applicants should fulfill the eligibility criteria to easily obtain permits to stay in Zambia. The eligibilities are:

  • The applicant's capital or income must match the minimum requirement.
  • The applicant should not have any criminal record.
  • The applicant should be a person with good character.
  • The applicant should be healthy and fit.
  • The applicant must have the required documents for the procedure to obtain a Retirement visa for Zambia.

A retirement visa for Zambia can be obtained or received by any age group. There are no rules for minimum or maximum age to apply for a retirement visa or permit to Zambia. Retirees from foreign nationals staying in Zambia on retirement visa will not be allowed to officially work, study or invest in the business. Therefore they must have an alternative source of income from outside the country for expenses. Retirees from foreign countries can apply for a permanent and temporary retirement visa for Zambia. In both types of Visas, applicants can use income and capital. All the information regarding pension and financial status will also be required if the applicant is applying for a permanent resident visa to Zambia.


Applying for a temporary Retired visa

  • Applicants with a temporary retired visa will be allowed to stay in Zambia for a limited period. The duration will depend on the validity of your resident visa
  • Applicants will have to provide evidence that they are financially strong and have enough funds.
  • The minimum money requirement for retirees to stay in Zambia is ZAR 37,000 for one month.
  • If the retired person is moving with the partner then they must have the income to support themselves financially in the country.
  • The retirees visiting Zambia to stay can apply for visas from the nearby Zambian embassy.
  • Requirements- The retirees applying for a temporary retired visa must have
  • Applicants must have a complete and filled retirement permit application form
  • Applicants must also carry the Cover letter
  • Evidence that you have funds to stay in Zambia
  • Evidence and documents regarding permanent pension or the applicants' retirement account
  • Applicants lease agreement and proof
  • Copy and original passport with two empty pages
  • Applicant passport size photo and should qualify with the photo requirements of Zambia
  • Money to pay the fee for a retirement visa


Applying for a permanent residence permit or retirement visa

  • All the requirements and procedures are almost the same as a temporary retirement permit.
  • The income and capital must be enough to take care of your own expense for the lifetime 
  • A permanent pension for a lifetime can be used as a shred of evidence.
  • The bank statements of the applicant will be needed to obtain a permanent retirement visa.
  • All the requirements are the same as a temporary retirement permit application.
  • The applicant should attach the documents and must fulfill the financial criteria to obtain a permanent retirement visa.

The applicants applying for a temporary retirement visa for Zambia have an alternative to provide proof of funds. They must have the minimum amount of money they should to stay in Zambia till the validity period of the retirement visa. On average, the validity of a retirement visa for South African countries is 4 years. For obtaining a permanent retirement visa to Zambia, the applicant should have a constant supply of income or funds to maintain themselves in the country. 


If you are retiring and want to stay in Zambia then apply for a relevant retirement visa for Zambia. Retirees who want to work or do investment in Zambia must apply for the relevant type of work permit. As you are not allowed to work in the country with a Zambia retirement Visa.

Apply Zambia Visa


Frequently Asked Questions

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Although, the processing time of a retirement visa is depended on the officials. But, usually, it takes four to twelve weeks to obtain Zambia retirement permit.

Children of the retiree's applicant should apply for a work permit or student visa to stay in Zambia. They are not allowed to visit Zambia on applicants' retirement visas.
