lesotho visa for slovenia nationals

How to Apply Lesotho Visa For Slovenia Nationals

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Lesotho country 

Lesotho and Slovenia enjoy friendly and solid relationships with each other. The economic status of the Slovenian country is being lifted and the Slovenian embassy is helping a lot to the Lesotho countries embassy financially, economically, exports, industrial materials, and military help. Both the countries have to help each other in their difficult and untearable situation. The Slovenia countries, slightly immersive to holds a current diplomatic strategies and consolations missionaries with the international sectors and organizations. With the help of the Slovenian connection, the Lesotho country is connected with the nine international bodies and five higher agencies and embassy commissions of the world.

While the Lesotho country is quite been an active participant in sports and Olympics, for the South African pre-handling relationships, Lesotho has improved its territorial captivity. Many authors and writers have also derived their origins, as the land is having the scarcity and facilities many of the suffers families are not getting the opportunities to grow up. The Lesotho embassy has specified that it will take measures to improvise the insufficiencies. The Lesotho country is getting help from many NGOs and social service provider clubs and executives so that they can exile and come out from this terrific situation.

Lesotho Women

The women of Lesotho are the major effectors; they are simply not given any importance in Lesotho societies to express their problems and difficulties. They are only treated as nannies and homemakers; domestic violence rates have been tremendously increased in recent two years; many of the women have been accused of not being able to tolerate the tortures. From the Lesotho police reports and spreadsheets records we have come to now off that the rates of abortion of girl children have been increasing around 50 percentages; the Lesotho women have come of the facts 

  • Most of the women have died during their pregnancies due to improper hygiene and nutrition and food scarcities
  • In most of the cases the mother was HIV positive or affected by AIDs diseases.
  • Due to rising cases of covid in the health check-up process, many reports have been found of positives
  • The hospitals and infrastructure are not so appropriate; the improvised types of machinery have not been encrypted in the hospitals for treatment purposes.
  1. Girls have not been supportive of higher education
  2. Not encourages and allows them to work outside
  3. Early marriage has been done by their families
  4. Treated as a childbirth machine.
  5. Always been discouraged and tortured

Lesotho E-Visa

Not only for Slovenia Nationals, in fact, for other nationalists also Lesotho traveling visa is not available. As the Lesotho embassy has taken up decisions that the visa will not be available until the covid situation are been taken under control in the Lesotho country, due to insufficiency of hospital infrastructure and poor economic conditions of the citizens it's affecting their countries.

Lesotho Visa Requirements

For Lesotho, visa requirements follow the below-given information’s-

Requirement List 


Other Information’s

1.    Passport is required

Passport documents are required for the verification process and evidential records. 

·       The passport must be an original

·       Two blank pages must be present in the passport

·       The passport must have 6 months activate period. 

2.      Photograph identifications

The candidate must present their image in the application forms, has it been used to identify the passengers.

1.    The image must maintain the common resolution formats

2.    Four copies of color images are required. 

3.             Immigration certifications

The foreign minister must signature the immigration letter.

These documents are needed

4.      Crime records

No crime records should be inherited by any travelers 

Otherwise, it is against the visa policies

5.      Invitation letter or temptation letter address

The letter address if the candidate inherits, they can submit it in the applications form

It is completely optional

6.      Health examinations  

The candidate must go for the health examinations and physical test at the same time

·       The PCR reports of the candidates are required

·       Covid vaccinate certificates are also necessary

7.             Personal information is required

  • Id cards original copy of proof is required
  • Reservations records are required
  • Interviewee Bank statements records are required
  • All the evidence of the interviewee is included such as
  • Residence address
  • Full signature
  • Active contact number
  • Office address
  • Mail id.

All the information should be acquired by the individuals. 

Lesotho Visa Online

Lesotho visas, all relevant visa information is available on the site tourist visa online; this site has been recognized as the top rates visa booking site. Its services and no delays in work have improved its site ratings. Many happy customers have experienced its services. The site tourist visa online is friendly to use and the information provided on its site regards all countries are genuine and verified.

Apply Lesotho Visa
