armenia visa for israelites


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Israelites can are allowed to visit Armenia but they should know about the rules and policies in detail. Israelites planning to enter the foreign territory of Armenia should apply for a relevant Armenia tourist visa, Armenia business visa, Armenia employment visa, Armenia resident permit, etc as per the requirement. Armenia visa for Israel nationals must be obtained otherwise Israelites will be denied to cross the borders. The tourism sector in Armenia is flourishing many foreign nationals are eligible to obtain an entry permit to the country online.

Visa to Armenia for Israeli citizens can be acquired in two ways. Israelites can either apply for Armenia electronic visa or an Armenia embassy visa. Applying for an Armenia visa from the embassy will be a prolonged or time-consuming process for Israelites. The tourist or visitors from Israel can select the second or alternative way to acquire an Armenia visa. Israelites can speed up the visa process to Armenia if they apply for Armenia electronic visa.



The Armenia electronic visa for Israelites is the short-term stay permit provided for reasons related to tourism. Citizens of Israel are eligible to obtain a pre-approved visa to Armenia. The Armenia E-Visa is likewise referred to as a Visitor Visa. As, Armenian immigration department also allows the visitor to enter Armenia for a family reunion, visit family members in Armenia, or visit friends in Armenia on Armenia electronic visa. Tourists or Visitors traveling to Armenia from Israel should mention the purpose of the visit. Because the visa requirements for Armenia may vary according to the reason to enter the country.

Armenia electronic visa validity for Israelites

21 Days

The online travel permit obtained can stay valid for either 21 days or 120 days. Israeli passport holders visiting Armenia for the short duration of three weeks can apply to acquire 21 days electronic permit. 

120 Days

The Armenia electronic visa for 120 days should be applied by the Israeli passport holders. If they are planning to stay in Armenia for more than 21 Days. 

Single Entry

The Armenia electronic visa or visitor visa to Armenia can only be used once to gain entry at the immigration points.


Processing time for Armenia electronic visa

The usual time Israelites Armenia electronic visa will take can be 5 to 7 days. The application form for an Armenian electronic visa may take more time than 7 days if one of the documents or information is missing or misinformed. Israelites should pay the processing fee to obtain Tourist Visa or visitor visa to Armenia on time which is 26.0 USD.

Armenia Electronic Visa Fee

Armenia Electronic Visa Type

Armenia Electronic Visa Fee For Israelites

21 Days Electronic Visa For Armenia

56.0 USD

120 Days Electronic Visa For Armenia 

100.0 USD

Documents Required:

Israelites have to attach important documents according to the Armenia visa type they are applying for:

  • Israel passport-  Israeli passport should have a minimum of 6 months validity on the day of arrival in Armenia. Israeli travelers visiting Armenia should meet the basic requirement of the national passport that is 2 blank pages, original and it should be in proper condition.
  • Recent Colored Photograph- The size of the photo should be 35 (length) x45 mm( breadth). A matte finish photograph with white or light-colored background is mandatory. 
  • Email ID and online mode of transaction to apply for Armenia electronic visa.
  • Proof of sufficient money 
  • Purpose of visit and travel itinerary
  • Return Flight Tickets
  • Hotel room bookings
  • Business Invitation letter if applying for Armenia business visa
  • Invitation letter from the guests is visiting Armenia to meet family, relatives, or friends.

Steps to apply for Armenia Electronic Visa

  • Visitors holding Israeli passports can apply for an Armenian Electronic Visa on Tourist Visa Online
  • Israelites should fill and complete the Armenia electronic visa form carefully by mentioning all the details asked in the form. After completing the online electronic visa form for Armenia, Israelites should go through the details once again for confirmation. After the submission or payment, Israelites will not be able to make any changes.
  • Israelites should submit the documents if applying for an Armenian visa from the embassy. Or should attach the documents in the upload document section with Armenia electronic visa form.
  • An online transaction should also be completed, applicants will receive confirmation mail via text message or Email ID.
  • If the Armenia visa for Israel nationals has been accepted or approved it will be sent on E-mail ID.



Visa to Armenia for Israeli citizens must be obtained to gain entry as they are not one of the visa exempted nations.

Apply Armenia Visa


Frequently Asked Questions

tvo airplan

Israel nationals or foreign nationals applying for long-term or permanent resident visas for Armenia can only be obtained from inside the country. Applicants can not acquire it from Israel.

The charges or fine visitors have to pay for one day overstay on an expired Armenia visa can be $105 or more.
